Was invested in Dmart past 3 years . Later identified there could be biz model risk in covid and had exited.
There are opinions in the thread on stopping Dmart Ready except Mumbai . But This is the actual reason why I like dmart … strict to principals . My opinion is as follows …
Costco is doing good in USA being a offline retailer where amazon like fierce competition presents. Here the problem is pandemic which results arbitary regulation of closing shops and prohibiting to sell non essentials . Pandemic will fade away within 1 year or after effects will take time upto 2 years . But if RKD changes his Business Model according to investing community or the customers who are fragile (online customers are generally fragile and non sticky ) then the impact will be huge for long term model.
This is an extra ordinary tough time of the greatest consumer businesses who depend on footfalls , scale economics (low cost producer) and in my opinion it is the 2015 Maggi moment for the Great retail stories like dmart, titan and trent . Once these will be over they will come back with vengeance and nobody will have an clue when it will happen (Like Nestle did post 2015)