Astral Ltd. (Earlier: Astral Poly Technik Ltd.) ~ Leading Pipes & Adhesives company

Hi Rudra,

As others indicated, +1 to the PLC explanation.

However, I think there is more than that than just PLC. There are three ways that a company can increase sales -

a) Increase number of customers

b) Increase the average order size

c) Increase repeat purchases.

PLC only deals with c). Astral is a play on a) and b).

Sure, markets give a premium to c) because of predictability if not anything else. But we aren’t after predictable returns, are we? As long as we believe that earnings and dividends will compound say over the next 5-7 years, we will make quite an attractive sum of money as the markets will eventually match the price growth to earnings growth on a long enough timeline.

Astral, with its 4 licenses from Lubrizol, compared to only one license with Ashirvad and Ajay (and maybe Supreme) can definitely increase the average order size from plumbers than just sell one product.

And of course, as we all agree, capacity wins in this business. So, finding new customers wouldn’t be as difficult as long as you have capacity and enough time to build the brand.

Of course lack of c) indicates that Astral will never quote at a 30 P/E (a positive black swan aside). But can wealth be made on this stock considering the potential and a) and b), I am pretty sure the answer is yes.

Ok. So, having said that, here is the feedback I have heard from 4 dealers in Bangalore (spread across Koramangala, Sarjapur and Electronic City)

i) Highest brand recall is for Ashirvad. Second Supreme. And then Astral.

ii) All of them recommended Ashirvad and then Supreme and said they have had long relationships with these guys (from GI pipes times) and not for once they were disappointed by the company managements in handling issues of any type. Astral is a relatively new player is what they said.

iii) Incentives, it seems, are similar across all three players.

I will check the on-ground feedback in Hyderabad in a month or so and get back with inputs. But Bangalore seems like its a win for Ashirvad and then Supreme.

The way I would play this is essentially spread my bets on Supreme and Astral within the 10-15% portfolio I would allocate to say ‘CPVC growth segment’.

Disc: Invested in Astral at 130-140 levels. Looking to add both Astral and Supreme.

Hi Kiran,

Thanks for the ground work from Bangalore. I too agree with your take on playing the ‘CPVC growth segment’. A a mix of Astral-Supreme will be the best way forward.

Also apart from a) and b) which you have mentioned, Astral is constantly introducing newer products which increases the addressable size of the market.

Another interesting aspect is the workshop conducted with plumbers. Here they are adding a ‘PULL’ to the demand cycle where plumbers are asking for Astral pipes rather than dealers forcing a sale. Could be interesting.

Now coming to the RISKS.

a) Raw Material prices and dependence on Lubrizol / Reliance :

The bargaining power of sellers her is High. For Astral, majority of inputs are sourced from two major behemoths - Lubrizol for CPVC compounds and Reliance Industries for PVC. The company is a price taker, as opposed to being a price setter, and has no bargaining power.

CPVC resin and PVC resin are priced at ~$2.9/kg and ~$1/kg currently. Astral has been successful is passing on the price increase from the RM front (2 price hikes in FY12 (total ~10-12%) and one in Q1FY13 (hike of ~5%) and another in Q2FY13).

It seems that despite the company being at the mercy of suppliers, it can pass on the RM price hikes, albeit with a lag, and able to protect margins to that extent.

b)Forex Risk:
APTL uses forward contracts to hedge its currency exposure but that does not mitigate risk completely. As dissected in the management Q&A also, the company has extended the 120 days credit period from Lubrizol to 180 days by taking buyer credit at 2%.

Given this $ exposure in terms of short term borrowing (payables being converted to loan)
there are apparent risks in a rupee depreciating environment.

What this creates is a lot of volatility on the bottom line and hence price movements, but should not be deterrent to the long term story. Any short term price falls from this should be looked into as additional opportunity to buy on dips.

APTL operates in a seasonal industry as its sales are highly correlated to growth in real estate development. Q1 is traditionally the dullest quarter for the industry and APTL and Q4 is usually the best

Not much to read into this, as long as the annual (YoY) topline growth remains intact, nothing much to consider here.

**d) Business Continuity Risk **: A potential Black Swan - Positive or Negative ???

Positive Black Swan

While the possibility of a stake buy in APTL by Lubrizol could be a big trigger. Already in Sept 2011 there were preliminary talks on Berkshire (Lubrizol) investing in a JV with Astral investing 1200 Crores to production of CPVC resin and products in India. The market responded with a 20% rise on astral the very next day.

Another aspect of Mr. Market’s premium allocation to Astral can be derived from this potential opportunity. If this goes through Astral would jump leaps ahead ( With risk a) mitgated to a large extent and potential sales/margin enhancement.) Astral’s competition will be taken by storm and reduced greatly.


Negative Black Swan

An equally large concern is the possibility that Lubrizol sets up its own manufacturing facilities in India or buys a stake in one of APTLâs competitors (Ashirvad Pipes and Ajay Pipes)

In any of those cases, Lubrizol could eat away APTLâs business as it would have direct access to raw material and at the same time could cut supply to or increase prices of raw material for APTL. In any ofthese scenarios APTL could be in deep trouble.

Scenario Analysis:

Now of the two which is more logical. In a market like India, the dealer/distributor network and relationships are of prime importance, rather than capacity/cost etc.

If we go by large deals from Abott-Piramal to Kraft-Cadbury to Danone-Wokhardt every case is a example of the foreign player paying a hefty premium to the distribution network. So it is unlikely that Lubrizol will play in India on their own. Also given the Indian Oil JV in the lubricant space, they will most likely choose a partner with wide reach.

So logical question is a Finolex/Supreme is a much better fit than Astral in this regard. Now Lubrizol had approached them in the first place but when the biggies refused it was Astral which came forward to take the risk and introduced CPVC in 1999. With a strong 12 years relationship and Lubrizol having licensed several products to them, Astral seems a more fitting choice.

Also Astral has more widespread relationship with large no of foreign players which adds to their credibility and business reputation. It is highly unlikely unlisted players like Ashirvad / Ajay would be a preferred partner over Astral.

So all in all, the chances of the positive outcome seems more likely that the latter. The possibility of negative outcome exists; however, probability is negligible.

e) Slowdown in housing
About 70% of the demand for the companyâs products comes from the new construction segment, which is heavily dependent on the countryâs economic condition and pace of activity in the housing sector. A slowdown in housing could result in a reduction in demand for pipes.

This is more of a generic risk. As seen in China, housing spend as %age of GDP should rise drastically in India as more and more people aspires self owned living space.

f) Underperformance of subsidiaries and JV:
Astral Biochem has been non-operational and Advanced Adhesives Ltd is currently loss making. Advanced Adhesives was set up only in FY11. APTL also has one JV in
Kenya â Astral Technologies Ltd, which has also been loss making. If the subsidiaries/JV continues to underperform it could hurt APTLâs consolidated earnings.

This is a close monitorable item, although contribution from these subsidiaries is minimal at present to create a cause of concern. But going forward if things don’t turnaround by FY13-Fy14 can dent the bottomline.

g) Failure of new products could be costly:

Inadequate or delayed offtake of any of these products could affect revenue growth.

Although this appears to be a risk, given the companies strong focus on R&D and quality adherence, the timely introduction of newer products will only increase the addressable market size. Blazemaster sales outside India have already begun and have got good momentum, so these opportunities can create surprising upside on the bottom line.

Given the above risks and their implications in the current environment it seems the possible rewards from taking part in this opportunity will far outweigh the risks,

A staged purchase is more advisable given the current scenario with chance of short term corrections arising from rupee depreciation.

Disc: No positions as of now, most likely will buy in a staggered manner.

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The discussion has been very interesting and has covered almost all the aspects in detail. I am bullish on this counter with a small exposure.

I believe that, a company in this industry may command a valuation of 15 PE. Given Astral already trades around that PE, the growth has to come by way of growth in earnings. The company will definitely be able to grow at 20% to 30% over next 3 years and we can expect a return in line with this growth (20% to 30% CAGR over next 3 years).

Thums up for another extensive writeup Rudra.

I think with the following questions answered (from management probably), It should cover most of the aspects

How the alliance with Lubrizol is taking shape(The plan of lubrizol going ahead)

Astral’s plan on its subsidiaries:how to turn them around or any plans to write them off

And a break up of Astrals revenue based on geography and their plans to rev it up in bangalore.


What has happened to the proposed JV between Astral and Lubrizole for setting up a CPVC manufacturing plant in India? I read that it supposed to be signed by March 2012 but has apparently been put off after a feasibility study. Is this true?

It has been put off. No reason assigned…

All kinds of numbers has already been discussed so I would like to compare and contrast Astral and Mayur.

Both Astral and Mayur operates in asegment where there is change in preference is taking place. In plumbing / piping segment trend is towards PVC and CPVC from GI pipes where in leather segment trend it towards artifical leather.

While change in plumbling is faster, more visible andaccessible vis-a-vis change in shift towards leather industry where technology is still maturing. Astral has credible competitors - at least in Bangalore they are no where near Ashirwad - and deal with real estate companies they will struggle to create customer lock-in. Mayur deal with large established players and once they become preferred supplier it is very difficult to displace them. Mayur seems to have real good competition from China and if they improve their quality - they seems to be working towards that - they will continue on grow to over next 7-10 years.

Astral also seems to be more capex driven and capex driven business tend to get into market share mindset i.e. airline business, e-retail bubble as it is unfolding in India which can be the cause for downfall. I am also worried about statement like ‘there is ample opportunities we just need to increase capacity’. This kind of argument can lead to disaster.

discliamer - i hold Mayur share and have been following Astral for last six month but hold no stock so views may be biased.

Hi Everyone,

Good discussions yet again and I think people are getting better understanding of the story now.

Like Donald mentioned - Feeling the market pulse is very important. The co had come out with a weak Q1 (if one looks at the forex issue) yet the stock has increased almost 50%+ in last 6 months…why?? The reason is simple that the story is getting morerecognizedby the day and people are ready to ignore short term negatives to get long term gains.

Its not easy to come across a company whose products are visible everywhere and has a brand and yet the stock is available in its growth phase.

I think the other most important part of this company is the dynamic management. When we went for the co visit and met the dealers, the feedback on the management quality was fantastic! Here are few points:

1). Mr. Engineer started from scratch and he believed in the vision in early 2000 when all the biggies were reluctant to the CPVC idea.

2). He started with lot of ground work - like meeting plumbers, going on scooter to do ground work, meeting customers etc etc.

3). In a span of just about 10 years, he is a leader and has been able to build 350 distributers and 10,000 Dealers!! I think this network is very valuable.

4). We heard that the promoter is very good as a person and takes everyone together. Most of thedistributors/ppl associated/employees are treated as a family and lot of re-creation/networking events are organised. People are very satisfied and have good expectations going forward.

5). Employees tell that the top management is simple and always accessible. Unlike competitors.

6). If we look into the past, this co has always tried introducing 2-3 new products every year. So in a way they keep innovating and expanding the product profile. Thereby getting the max revenue from their network.

7). They always give lot of emphasis on new businessdevelopmentand marketing.

Do look at the finanical snapshot of the results of last 5 years in their latest annual report - The ROCE has been expanding every year and is now at about 30%+

So my view is that the above are intangible qualities which gives one a confidence on future prospects. Yes, this stock is not cheap now but at the same time, I think that the co can continue growing at 25-30% for next few years and hence be a steady compounder.


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My two cents…

For Astral the price has had sharp run since the bottom of Jan 2011…It has moved up from 130 to 300…I think It is more because of the changes in the expectations/sentiment than the reality in the prospects of the company…It seems that the “Tea Pot has become hotter than the Tea” :slight_smile:

At current level I would rather buy Amar Raja Batteries or Supreme Ind as numbers favour them


Strong gains on the Forex front. Covered all open positions of last quarter with gains of 12.16 Cr in Q2FY13 as expected.

Forex loss in Jun-12 quarter was 12.35 Cr which has now been comfortably closed.

Forex loss for half year( H1FY13) at 0.19 Cr as compared to 7.99 Cr in H1FY12.

Profit growth in H1FY13 at 25% with half-yearly EPS at 8.76.

However the key takeaway is the 49% topline growth in 6-months to 353Cr from 236 Cr y-o-y

Here are the concall details Source

Excellent growth once again by Astral and huge reward by the market. The stock has come to 400 levels…i.e… more than 800 Cr M CAP co in no time.

I think the key learning from this stock should be that we need to look at the Bigger Picture and try to move away from too much of valuation or profitability analysis if the business model is good and it has high growth prospects.


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Key highlights as per Capital Market.

  • The net sales for Q2 have increased by 47% to Rs 200.98 crore. The company has utilized its capacity to the tune of 10997 MT, a growth of 12%. The net profit increased by 15% to Rs 10.15 crore due to top line growth.
  • The OPM has declined by 29 basis points to 11.9%. The fall in margin is due to depreciation of rupee and there is lag period in passing cost to customers. However, the mgmt said it will maintain its margin in the range of 12% - 14%.
  • In October the company has started its CPVC cement solvent production though its subsidiary. Initially it started with PVC cement solvent and now added CPVC also. It is used for connecting pipes. The company will sale this product to other pipe manufacturers also.
  • In CVPC, the company sales all the products from industrial to plumbing to composite pipes and Blazemaster.
  • The company will start it media campaign very soon on television. It is also going for branding through Arbaaz Khan production film Dabangg2. The company will go for around Rs 5 â 6 crore on media spend before Dabangg 2 hit the screens. This will help the company and CVPC products to grow further.
  • The construction activities at Hosur plant is at preliminary stage. The company is adding machines to its existing different locations to increase its capacity. The company has spend Rs 19-20 crore in first half and will spend Rs 20- 25 crore in second half of this fiscal year. Later once Hosur building come up (which will come up by April/May 2014), it will again go for capex of Rs 40 â 45 crore. It will be funded through internal accrual and debt.
  • The company presently working on 65000 MT capacity and 10000 â 15000 capacity will come up by Q4 FY13 and remaining in next first half of FY14. It will add around 20000 â 22000 capacity.
  • The company has increased its reach in every part of the country and neighboring countries also.
  • The company exports to countries like Middle East and Africa. It expects some good result in next 6 â 8 months from its Africa Joint Venture.
  • The company’s focus is on growth, which will come from CPVC, complete building products and through new products.
  • CPVC and PVC both saw similar kind of growth. The prices in PVC have come down, but market has not seen sluggishness. The mgmt expects demand to pick up very soon in PVC.
  • Bendable pipe is premium product and there is no competition in it.
  • October month was OK for the company. Since November month has Diwali, the company expects sales to pickup after Diwali. The company’s 40% sales come in first half and 60% in second half of the any fiscal year.
  • CPVC demand in India is around 45000 to 50000 MT and its growing at rate of 25% â 30%. 60% of this demand is met by Lubrizol licensee in the country.

does anyone know what is this exceptional item in the results? is that the forex loss on raw material cost? i believe the forex gains on foreign currency loan has been held out.

_Astral Poly Technik to be associate sponsor for ‘Dabangg 2’

Astral Poly Technik has entered into an agreement with “ARBAAZ KHAN PRODUCTION PVT. LTD.” as “Associate Sponsors” in title credits of Film-Dabangg 2"._ _

Under the agreement Astral will promote “Dabangg 2” film in media as co-branding advertisement._

Definitely an innovative way of advertising pipes!!


Now it has become almost a trend. Two of my earlier holdings which immediately comes to mind are **Cera **( promotion during Heroine with Kareena) and Kewal Kiran Clothing ( promoted their brands in a large no bollywood films).

Anyways coming back to Astral, they need a major branding kick-in in the southern markets. Hope this one does the trick for them.

Astral 2’ ** 2". _ advertisement.

Yeah. I can understand both Cera and KKCL as they are both customer facing companies. Astral is not. Retail customers do not decide (mostly) whether they buy Astral or something else.

Was browsing thorough old news, saw this

If implemented correctly this may prove to be a great booster for Supreme with lowered cost and assured supply for CPVC resin from Trience Specialty Chemicals (Kaneka, India) rather than importing as done currently from Kaneka, Japan

What sort of an impact this might have on Astral going forward ?

Recently i carried out few surveys in punjab and found out that the awareness level is low about cpvc plumbing in smaller towns and cities . In relatively bigger places like zirakpur , mohali and chandigarh cpvc plumbing is being used but the distributors are less . Also one point of concern raised was that if the plumber is not skilled in using the adhesive meant for connecting the pipes …which makes the use of product bit restricted . How is Astral working on the same needs to be found out .