Ador Fontech: Quality small company for the Long Term

Notes from Ador fontech AGM:( request others to share any missing points. I may have misinterpreted few things while preparing notes)

Macroeconomic challenges: Industrial slow down particularly auto…other industry like cement, steel are not as bad as auto ind slowdown. Continue to see demand for electrodes which are consumables but certainly it’s not robust as last year. When industry utilisation goes down customers will cut down on maintenance activity which impacts Ador.

Tracking IIP data is good indicator about Ador performance with a lag of around 1.5 months. Overall market size is 600 -700 cr +add yearly IIP growth.

Unorganised players serving the industry are still present-around 25% market share. They do simple service business. some of them have become organised . GST had impacted them a lot. Unorganised sector is not concern for us.

Micro-challenges for Ador is to repeat the same amount and complexity of work done for client at one factory at another location. Need people with capabilities to do it repeatedly for benefit of client. We have to go to customer ad convince them about their existing assets which Ador can repair, metalise ,reuse rather than buying new assets.

Main industries in order of revenue cement, thermal power, auto, railways…etc

Electrodes : coated electrodes are main drivers. LH -alloy sales are driving growth and margins. Reasonable demand from end industries as its consumable product.

Robotic wielding : semi automated trolley using which we metalize the wear and tear happens railway tracks crossings…last year good orders…this year is flat.
Wielding protective components: Not a focus area, selling only few products.
We want to maintain ratio of our brand products and traded goods at ratio of 75:25%.
Hypertherm is good brand which we try to push. Most of the sales happen through dealers (65%) where receivables are better.

Competition: closed gap with competitor. Ador has grown better last year. Not sure of becoming no1 in near term. We have gained around 2-3% of market share in last year.

Capex plan: current capacity we can do another 40%. Existing plant has slowly become residential area and we may monetise later. Plan of moving to new facility is build more capabilities and consolidate operations and cut cost. May add new service centre or move our service business from Nagpur plant to new facility. We may add training facility for trainees.
Total capex of 20-25 cr…existing machines + new lines and machines will be added. will take another 2-2.5 years to complete.
ERP system implementation in progress which may impact in near term but long term benefits will play out in 3 -4 quarters.

3D future tech: consumer healthcare business. we have to give time…it may take another 2 years to breakeven. We are at 40% of sales to breakeven. Board will review and take appropriate action if it continues to burn cash. We are open to include private player. At this point we can take 2.5Cr loss from 3D per year.

vision 2025: to take business further …?looking to reach 500Cr by 2025. We will outline our plan for next year by next AGM. On track to achieve present target of vision2020.

Discl: invested.


Aydin2021_Article_3DPrintingInTheBattleAgainstCO.pdf (2.4 MB)

Ador fontech is in 3D Printing also.

Ador fontech very good results for fourth qtr FY 2021 and for whole FY 2021.

Dividend Rs. 2.20 per share

Share price has also moved up 30% since then.

One more good results and the share would be rerated

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Find enclosed my note from AGM of Ador Fontech which I attended today. I may have made error in writing notes of discussion and reader shall keep note of that while reading the post.

Welding business
Welding and cutting business can broadly divided in two segment. Fabrication, which is large size which is were Esab India and Ador Welding are key player. Second part is repair and maintenance part where Ador Fontech and L&T subsidiary (EWAC ALLOYS) which is now acquired by Esab Group.

Sectorwise demand, Cement account for 40% sale, Steel around 30%, Power around 10%, Infrastructure around 5% and balance being accounted for other sectors. Railway account for nearly 8-10% service business. The company also consider Electroride , Life enhancement service business, Hypotherm (does not use Oxygen in fabrication and hence gained majorly during Q1 FY22 when oxygen was diverted to medical use) and Trading (including equipment).

The company consider change in IIP as major factor contributing to demand growth. When IIP show sustinable trend of growth, the company sales elasticity is around IIP+3-4%. Likewise, when IIP growth slow down, sales is adversely affected with IIP-3to4%.

Since November 2020, demand from Indian market has been improving. Even during 2 wave COVID, while other business affected, that was more than offset by higher demand for Hyporthem business which does not need Oxygen. While the company management is putting all efforts to sustain demand for Hypotherm, cost of Hypotherm is at higher end and hence need to see how market react to same.

Capex and consolidation of manufacturing:
The company intend to incur Rs 5 Cr maintenance capex. Currently it has 3 manufacturing plant, 2 at Bengaluru for Electrode and 1 at Nagpur for Service. It is very difficult to provide capacity utilisation, however, currently it is operating at around 75% level. Further, in case of increase in demand, with minor capex, it can increase capacity in short period to meet the demand. In FY20, it acquired new land in Bengaluru to consolidate the operations, however, post COVID, it seriously evaluating whether consolidation of plant would provide benefit in next 2-3 years. In Long term, it would be looking forward to consolidate operation at one location.

3D Printing business
The company has developed in-house technology for 3D printing of dental product. The market for Dental product can be estimated to grow at around 70%. (Not sure about the number). Also market size estimated at around 50-75 Cr (Not sure about this number as well). The market include two segments Direct to Customer (DTC) and second being through Orthodentist. 3D printing currently operate only to through Orthodentist route. The growth rate for DTC is relatively higher but so does cash burn. Company has Flash brand which it market it product.

The board is closely monitoring the operation of 3D printing. It would permit maximum cash burn of around 2.5-3 Cr per annum in 3D Printing. The company would break even at when it reach 2.5X current size of operation. However, after reaching at that level, it may need further capex and cashburn to sustain growth. Hence, rather focusing on break even, the current objective is to establish the business brand with cap on Cash burn.

Given the nature of business, the management is aware that they may have to partner with expert in the field and also need to raise fund to scale operation. However, at current point, Ador business can sufficiently support activity of 3D printing. At appropriate time, they would try to get partner and also explore fund raising for this business.

On peer and other player, The company name Aligntech ( based out of USA as a major global player. It named 3-4 companies in domestic market which operate in Director to customer segment, however I could not write there names.

FY2022 guidance
Mr Malkani categorically denied to provide guidance for FY22. However, did hinted to look at past number of Q1 and Full years figures in past. Generally, Q1 is reasonable indication for full years. While Q1FY22 results are already out, management did not provide any view about same sales and profit can be achieved during next 3 quarter. However, in qualitative assessment, they did see market shaping up well and IIP on upward trend being good for company. Having said that, COVID related uncertainty can adversely impact recovery of business.

Other points
In FY221, Bad debt increase to Rs 1.28 Cr was due to some of large debtors, referred to NCLT for bankruptcy. The company expect same to be one time factor.
The top management decided to salary deferment during April June 2020, when COIVD First wave started. However, with recovery in business, all employee as well as Top management got paid full amount and none of employee adversely affected by salary cut.
The working capital in March 2021 was stretched due to delay in PSU due to COVID related issue. While same has been recover, the company expect debtors days to be bit higher, particularly from PSU clients.
The company provided guidance of paying 50-60% payout of dividend in future.
The company spent nearly 35-40% of total annual CSR spend for FY22 in April-May 2021 period to support Society fight against COVID second wave. The money were spent to support oxygen concentrate and other efforts to fight COVID.
Nearly 80% of employee at First shot of Vaccine while 20% of employee has Both doses. The company aimed to provide 100% vaccination but same can not be implemented due to shortage of vaccine in area where one plant located.

Overall, I find management of company knowledgeable, transparent and practical. All questions were answered to satisfaction of shareholder. This is my assessment and it may be biased due to my tracking investment in the company.

Disclosure: I hold tracking position in the company since April 2021. My view may be biased due to my investment. I am not SEBI registered advisor. I am not recommending any investment in the company. I may increase my investment or sale my holding without informing the forum.

Request @rohitbalakrish_ @ankitgupta to provide their view on this post. (and add further point in case I missed any).


The Board of Directors,
Ador Fontech Ltd.
Dear Sir,

It is with deep anguish & distress that we are writing to you to register our protest against the blatantly inequitable, unfair, illogical, unacceptable & one sided swap ratio announced by you w.r.t the merger of our company with a promoter group company, AWL (Ador Welding Ltd.).

We are shocked to note that the swap ratio grossly undervalues Ador Fontech Ltd. (AFL). Please note that the current Market Capitalisation of AFL ~ ₹237cr (CMP ~ ₹68/-) is the same as on June 2011 (11 years back) whereas the Market Capitalisation of AWL has increased almost 4x from 2011 levels. This under performance of AFL share price, vis a vis AWL was purely due to poor corporate governance in AFL (hoarding shareholders cash & extending loans to promoter group cos like Ador Powertron, instead of share buy backs, diversification into unrelated & loss making businesses like 3D Future Tech, poor investor communications, etc.). Thus, having caused the undervaluation in the first place, now the same is being used as a pretext to acquire AFL on the cheap!

AFL is being acquired by AWL. Common sense suggests that any acquisition offer has to be given at a substantial premium to the prevailing market price. But defying all logic, AFL is being sought to be bought by AWL at current market prices without any premium whatsoever!

As per the proposed scheme of arrangement, AWL will offer ~ 38 lakhs shares (valued at ~ ₹232cr @ CMP of ₹610/-) to acquire the whole of AFL (in the ratio 5:46 :: AWL:AFL). Post merger, the earning per share (EPS) of AWL will increase by over 21% from ~ ₹33/- to over ₹40/- & the net cash balance of AWL will increase four fold from ~ ₹20cr to ₹80cr.!

AFL shareholders are being forced to subsidise AWL shareholders. This clearly shows why AWL shareholders are so excited with the proposed swap ratio.

AWL with 2x the Networth, & 1.8x the Net Profit of AFL is being valued at over 3.5x the Market Capitalisation of AFL! This, when during the last 5 years, the profits of AFL have grown at a faster rate than AWL (24% vs 16%)!

A cursory glance at the promoter shareholding ~ 39% in AFL vs ~ 57% in AWL, gives away the true motivation of promoters for pushing with such lopsided merger valuation.

Therefore, before you move ahead with this dubious transaction, please consider whether the gains arising out of duping 61% of your shareholders in AFL are greater than the harm it will cause to your reputation.

If this transaction goes through in its present form, then it will be a permanent blot on your good name, and it will pull down the valuation of your whole group, as, if the promoter can cheat minority shareholders in one company then he can be expected to do the same elsewhere too.

Since the EPS of AFL is ~ Rs.7/- & EPS of AWL is ~ Rs.33/-, a swap ratio of 1:5 :: AWL : AFL (1 shares of AWL for every 5 shares of AFL) will be EPS neutral for AWL shareholders & much fairer to AFL shareholders.

Please consider this appeal with an open mind in the interest of all concerned.
Let wise counsel prevail.


Good letter, as a shareholder I will also forward on similar lines to them.

The swap ratio is theft from Ador Fontech shareholders and as many shareholders email to the IR/management, maybe we force them to consider.

I will also send this letter to Management. Every retail investor should send this letter to Ador Fontech Management


Please pre register for AGM and raise your voice against the merger

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Hello… Can anyone explain the relation between Ador Fontech & Ador welding?

Same group / promoters

After the Agm, was the share swap ratio discussed any break through for Ador Fontech shareholders ?