A 2-Year Course to Become a Smarter, Independent Investor

Here is a direct copy paste from the post I have in my blog on the same line. I decided to have it in a modular type, rather than a time bound one, by choice. Hopes it help new investor increase his investing skills.

Books/Links to educate yourself to become a knowledgable investor

This is a post inspired by “A 2 year course to become a smarter and intelligent investor”. I have created a thread on the same in valuepickr. The issue with me is that I have read so less numbers of book on investing, and I have a miles to go before I sleep. The most I have learned by going through the gem like thread in 2 of the best stock investing forum in India, TED and valuepickr. So it is less on the book side and more of the thread side.

Rather than creating a time bound approach to investing. I created a module based approach for the same, hope it will help the newbies improve their skills in stock investing

Link to the post in my blog
