Searching for existing discussion thread

Please use the search boxes in Top Banner RHS when searching for a company or stock discussion.

Using the Search site button will show you the forum discussion threads, if any.

Search Site Box:

So before starting any new thread, its a good idea to use the search site button to ensure you are not creating a duplicate thread. Apart from reducing clutter this will ensure that your comment/query gets the due attention it deserves if it is posted in the right thread.

Search Company Box:

Will lead you to the specific company page (if created). Such as Stock Stories, Management Q&As, etc.

Dear Administrator Is it possible to provide the links for the page numbers at the beginning of the page also? These are currently available at the end of the page and regular followers of the posts would need to scroll down first and then click on the last page to see the latest post. Not a major inconvenience. So if there are cost issues involved, one can live with it.

This usability requirement is part of the promised upgrade. Please bear with us for some more time.